Upcycled Projects

News from the Lab

Hello and welcome.

This is just a quick post to let you know about some changes that are happening here in the Lab.

What is the news?

There are two big changes to announce coming. First The Upcycle Design Lab is moving. Not from this cozy little place on the web but our whole household is relocating to a new state in a couple of months. That right the hubby and I and our six furry friends will be driving across the country in a few short weeks. It is sure to be a harrowing adventure but more on that later.

The other update is my intention to grow this blog and youtube channel into a business by dedicating more time and attention here. There will probably be some bumps and messes as I do some redesigning, rebranding, and learning. But I am inviting you along for the ride. There will still be plenty of tutorials using recycled materials, more green product reviews, tips for greener living, and no doubt some dog and cat capers.

You can find out more in the video below.

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Happy Upcycling,
