My First Craft Show Experience - 2021

Budget-Friendly Product Photography Tips for Crafters – [My First Craft Show 2021]

Well, I did it. I have officially sent off my craft show application. The paperwork part was easy but getting good photographs of my projects took a little more time. However, I think I was successful at getting some good photos that represent my work. They aren’t quite professional-looking, but they are a lot better than they used to be. So I thought I would share the few things I have learned about taking better product photographs with a few tips I use for budget-friendly product photography.

If you are more into making things then photographing them I totally understand. It is time consuming to set up different shots. And in my case this always involves clearing off a space and removing the ever present dog and cat hair. Then you have to play with the lighting and the angles and let’s not forget the photo editing that every photo I ever take requires before I deem it satisfactory.

Honestly it’s all a little overwhelming isn’t it? But you can start simple and get fancier as you go.

My Budget Friendly Product Photograhpy Gear

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I still have a ton to learn but I have gotten a lot better even with my low end and non existent photography gear.

Check out this video for a few simple things I do to improve my photographs.

One of the main keys to taking better photos is just to take more photos and you probably already have everything you need to get started. I do hope to upgrade my gear someday but the gear I have now is good enough for my skill level.

If you are looking for some free software to edit your photos this article may help you with your budget-friendly product photography. The best free photo editors in 2021

So here are the photos I submitted with my application to the Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival. Now I am just waiting with my fingers and toes crossed to hear whether I get in or not.

Links are provided below the photos for all of the tutorials.

Tin Can and Bedspring Snowman and Christmas Tree Ornaments

Wall Hanging Plant Propagation

Tin Can Accent Mirrors

Clutch Purse Made from Tin Cans- Link Comming Soon

upcycled tin can earrings

Tin Can Earrings

To find out more about how my craft show adventure began click here.

Happy making, crafting and upcycling.

Until next time.
