My First Craft Show Experience - 2021

Craft Show Vendor Application – First-time seller series 2021

Today I am stepping into some uncharted territory by filling out my first ever craft show vendor application. It is an understatement to say that I am a little nervous. But I have been telling myself for a long time now that I want to do this “someday.” So with some trepidation, I have decided that today is the day.

I hope that this will be a long series of posts about the whole experience. But first I will have to be acceptanced into the show. So with my fingers crossed, I am starting at the beginning and planning for several months of learning, sharing, and trying new things. But, of course, only time will tell where this goes.

Why I am applying.

In the following video, I share my thoughts on why I have finally decided to apply this year. I hope you will join me on this journey. Have you ever thought about trying to try selling your handmade goods at a craft fair? What is holding you back? Are you scared like me?

My plan is to break down the process into doable bite-sized pieces. Ones that I can do and you can too. So, my first step is filling out the craft show vendor application.

Where I am applying.

I am applying to the Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival, and it takes place in late November in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I was fortunate to visit this show several years ago with my sister when she was a vendor there. She makes all kinds of art and functional items from plastic bags. Check out HFR Designs to see some of her amazing work.

I hate to admit this but I am woefully unprepared for this show. Since I am not even certain what I am taking to sell and I am completely new at all of this. I plan to sell items made primarily from tin cans, and I have the following projects to submit.

Of course, I need more selection for the market and a few more items to submit with the application. So I will need to figure that out shortly.

There is a lot of work ahead. But all of this work proceeds one step at a time. The first step is to get a pen and fill out the craft show vendor application.

I am taking many deep breaths here and trying just to put one foot in front of the other. Slow and steady.

Happy Upcycling,


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